Escorts like to have a group of regulars. No matter if you are in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles or anywhere else for that matter, becoming a regular with an independent escort or with an escort agency brings many and substantial benefits for both you and the provider.
Escorts don’t like surprises in the form of LE. After you have been properly referenced and vetted by a provider, this process doesn’t have to be performed again like it would with a new friend. The provider is then better able to budget her time.
Regulars also tend to enjoy better treatment. A good regular is someone who tends to be valued. An escort is more likely to accomodate short notice appointments and be helpful when it comes to scheduling and location. You are someone she knows and doesn’t wish to lose. Accomodating you where practical is in the interest of you both.
When you become a regular with an escort agency, you are more likely to get the woman of your choice. They want you to keep coming back and therefore, catering to what and who you like is definately in their best interest.
Perhaps most important of all, being a regular becomes a relationship between two people helping each other. Find a couple of ladies whose company you enjoy and the benefits of being a regular will make your life much easier.