Chicago BBW escorts have a unique ability to provide a service that gentlement are interested in. In these times of high gas prices and increased competition, taking advantage of revenue opportunities makes great sense. And this particular one is pretty easy to do.
Some gentlemen enjoy the feeling of large women sitting on top of them. It is just like it sounds. The man lays on his back and the woman staddles him and sits down on his stomach or chest. Very simple. Typically no sex is involved and nudity is only if the BBW escort is willing.
Sessions typically are an hour. It stands to reason the man will need at least one break during the session, particularly for a heavier BBW escort. You should also make sure the gentlemen is ok during the course of the session and him up when necessary, particularly if sitting in his chest.
This can be quite lucrative. A lady named Anita Jones of west London makes 30,000 Bp each year, part time. This equals about 50,000 us dollars anually. Not bad for sitting on the job.
Of course advertising is necessary. It is like anything else, getting the word out is essential. A good place to start is with your web site. A page devoted to sitting with images and text describing the experience and the sensual feeling will speak to the interest of the viewer who comes to that page. The visitor who views that page is already pre-qualified in terms of interest and demonstrating that you can provide the experience sought will sure help to entice a session. And advertising on escort sites in Chicago is important for bringing people to your site.