We see 3-5 men a day and make 3,000 to 5 grand a week.
– yes we do – but they are the 3-5 we pick out of 300 – 500 bullshit emails A DAY!( I wont mention the 50-70 idiotic calls we get a day )
We marry rich wealthy men.
No we don’t. We are independent woman that don’t need rich wealthy men. We already have everything they can give us. We maybe fall in love with them, because of who they are. Not what they are.
We make 200-800 an hour tax free
– Think again babe. Many of us have a cast of stars . Their names are Earl the tax attorney, Fred the accountant, Max, the Financial planner, and Emory, the investor. Lets not forget about, Leroy or criminal defense lawyer we keep on retainer just in case.
Our middle name is Gucci, Prada and we live on line at Sax !
– I’ll tell you after I throw away my purse I’ve been carrying for the past three years and when im done ordering my stuff off of Ebay. Target and Walmart are my friends !
Oh you say we stay at 200-300 hotels to provide our.. Friendship?
Try again, we know owners, partners in the chain. ( and no, we didn’t blow them idiot ) We live on Priceline and cut our coupons like any civilian.
You come and go as you please and have a great life !
Yeah!! Ill get back to you on that after I clean up from dinner, take the boy to hockey practice, make sure my son went to get his new tires, take out the dog, re-do the laundry cause I forgot I threw in a load 2 days ago, and vacuum my house, and get my uniform out of the dryer, the dryer that needs to be fixed next Tuesday. Along with the Mortgages that are due on my three other properties.
No, there aren’t no sugar daddy’s in this industry. Get back into the 80’s when there was such a thing. Treat people like you want to be treated.Not like a dog.
Sure you can go to the mall every Wednesday cause Hank, Peter and Sal are coming next week so you can make your rent. Honey, Hank had to fly out of town with work, Peter cancelled cause his wife stayed home from work and Sam, Sam emails all the girls and is always a no call/ no show. But Im glad you went to the mall because that nice warm woolen sweater will keep you warm on the corner when your ass is evicted.
No my lingerie isn’t from Victorias and any fancy schmancy store !! JcPenney and Burlingtons is the way to be. How would I afford Hollister and Abercrombie for the kids.. Cmon now ! Priorities!
Why yes ! Traveling is wonderful.We sit and wait for our flights patiently while we are peeling grapes. ( that hails from Tori of Atlanta ) LOL . After I confirm my itenirary, Clean my house, kennel the pets, pay the sitter, pay the house watcher, pack my suitcase, remember my PDA and charger, remember my phone charger,remember my back up phone, pack my supplies, gather up the laptop. As well as making sure I Remembered the Stillettos for Ned, the school girl outfit for Frank, and answer the email from Ted that asked me if I can stop at exit 9 in Erie, Pa. on my way to Cleveland. After all this, I’ll let you know what god damn color my grapes are !
No we don’t live in the richest neighborhoods and drive the best cars money have to buy. We have to keep SOMEWHAT of a low profile.
Escorts dont have the know-how or brains to do anything else
– I know many ladies that have a career and juggle everything else too!
Escorts use all their money for drugs and alcohol.
Perhaps they do- but those are the girls that you are trying to find, and their ads have disappeared.
Escorts have a great sex life ! I want to be an escort so I can have sex all day !
We don’t have sex all day. Escorts are escorts. We do escort men to dinners, parties etc. Many men want to see us for companionship. Many men believe that intercourse is cheating. They won’t have intercourse. They want someone to talk to. Not all sessions are of hot illicit sex.
All escorts will do anything I ask.
WRONG- We arent robots- we do what we feel comfortable with.
All escorts come from a disfunctional family, disfunctional background.
This is not so! We are all happy, healthy people that do this because we love to meet men. We love the benefits and the freedoms that this brings to our lives and yours.
Escorts have their children taken away from them – they’ve never been married- they dont have significant others and they don’t have friends. Therefore they are around round the clock to answer my emails and phone calls.
Try again Buster brown.. we have very real lives, just like yourself.